The courage to be our best, most authentic selves!
I know what it is like to keep a secret. To feel afraid to step out of the shadows and be who I really am. To break through everything that held me back and claim my true, authentic identity and to radically transform my life! I have been there for many others as they too have broken free of the bonds of guilt, shame and fear that have held them back and become free! Like me, they are newly energized, with more focus, sense of purpose and fearlessness for their loved ones, communities and professions.
Since I have begun sharing the story of how I transitioned from living as a highly decorated male military officer and combat Veteran to a woman whose mission is now all about helping others achieve their best selves, many people have shared with me their own stories of overcoming challenges and achieving personal transformations. Whether it is leaving the military to start life as a civilian, dealing with a major illness or loss of a loved one, starting a new business, becoming sober, or achieving a lifetime dream, we all have challenges. By sharing those stories we encourage and inspire each other, to be our best, most authentic selves.
My experience, the stories of others, and the work of other experts has identified some common threads among those who overcome big challenges. The more we know those things and the more we encourage each other, the better we all are.
- Ann
Washington Blade coverage of Equality Virginia's 2018 Commonwealth Dinner, attended by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and nearly 1,000 legislators, business and community leaders and activists. “Veterans — especially LGBTQ-plus veterans — are used to taking on adversity,” she said. “We don’t quit.”
OUT Magazine's 2017 "OUT 100"- "Despite 'efforts by a spiteful minority,' as activist Ann Murdoch puts it, trans service members still have hope for, and, most importantly, pride in their country."
"Ann Murdoch, a member of our Transgender Advocacy Speakers Bureau, took the stage to share a journey of self-discovery, complete with a knight, terrible dragons, and triumphant princess. She likened the advocates and supporters of Equality Virginia to the great rainbow army that helped her defeat the dragons of shame and discrimination. We’ve all heard inspiring stories about a transgender person’s journey towards self-acceptance and happiness, but Ann’s unique perspective helped us shine a light on how transgender military bans impact our neighbors, friends, and loved ones right here in Virginia."
It has been a tradition continued in some form or fashion every Veterans Day since 1989. LGBTQ Community members have gathered in the Congressional Cemetery at the grave of Sgt. Leonard Matlovich on Veterans Day to remember his service and sacrifice, and honor all our LGBT Veterans and Service Members.